I`m important

I`m so important my vip card says mip -  most important person. I got my own mip room inside the vip room. I got a mip toilet. A mip mansion. My very own mip airport inside the airport.

This is my vip friends. I don`t have mip friends cause no one is as important as me. So I have to downgrade to socialise. I meet this guys on a bus in India. I never understood how I got there. They where smiling cause I held a gun. I tried to keep in touch with them, but they never accepted my friendship request on facebook. Neither did they learn English so they could write back to me. Friends can be so fake.

The reason I got the mip card is that the world federation of very important people could not fit enough v`s in my vip card. That`s why they invented the letter m.

Photo mynameisharsha