A dumb kid asked me if I was a CIA agent. I told him, douh... That`s ancient technology. I`m sure they wrote CIA with a typewriter. They wheren`t smart enough to come up with CJ. That`s who I am. The personification of CJ. I don`t have to pass any test to be a CJ agent, I am CJ. There`s no school for this. It`s in my body. I`m a natural born agent. Agent of CJ. The CIA academy is like grammar school for me, no wait, kindergarden. Just look at my dong. See how big it is!
"Look up in the sky. It`s a bird. It`s a tree, no it`s my ding dong. With a stealth sperm to shoot through everything except the wagainas."
I write my name with a smartphone. I don`t even know how to write by hand. Thats how hi-tech I am. I`m born in the computer age. I got electricity shooting out of my ass.
"Look up in the sky. It`s a bird. It`s a tree, no it`s my ding dong. With a stealth sperm to shoot through everything except the wagainas."
I write my name with a smartphone. I don`t even know how to write by hand. Thats how hi-tech I am. I`m born in the computer age. I got electricity shooting out of my ass.
Seal CIA wikipedia